360 Sports delivers awesome fun & active, multi sports incursions during OSHC School Holidays Services.
Our 360 Sports Incursions.
Fun Warm Ups
Warm Ups are essential but 360 Sports will make it fun, by playing lots of active games with plenty of movement to fire up their little bodies.
We will play some of the classics like Fruit Salad, Octopus and Scarecrow, plus we have many new 360 Sports Warm Ups that we are ready to launch.
Children will then be 100% ready to create the magic on the court!
Active Team Games
Our 360 Team Games will ensure that children are active and engaged whilst learning how to play in a team.
Children love playing our high voltage 360 Team Games such as Crossfire, Capture the Flag and Rob the Nest. Which are absolutely on the top of the list of children’s favourite games.
Our 360 Sports Coaches have a stockpile of Team Games to call upon and play, to keep engagement at the highest level.
Multi Sports Activities
Our 360 Sports Coaches can deliver up to 3 Sports on the day, during our 360 Sports Incursion to maximise the fun.
Which means, we have a massive selection of fun games & activities to choose from to enhance all children’s multi sports skills.
Our 360 Sports Coaches are versatile, as they have the expertise, knowledge and the equipment to change up a sport on the day.

Want a tailormade 360 Sports Incursion?
360 Sports can also design a sports specific or themed incursion to be delivered to your OSHC School Holiday Service, such as Aussie Rules during the September Finals.
Just touch base with operation team and we can design the desired 360 Sports Incursion.